Two years after the nation’s deadliest wildfires that killed 19 firefighters, their bereaved families were finally compensated as much as $600,000 each by the Arizona State Forestry Division, the party responsible for the firefighters. The elite firefighting crew, named the Granite Mountain Hotshots, died two days after the wildfire began on June 28, 2013, when they found themselves trapped at the bottom of a canyon. This settlement may raise the question how courts, particularly courts in California, determine the damages to be awarded to the family of a deceased person. Not only will a family suffer from emotional turmoil after the death of a loved one, but this can also cause financial hardships, especially if the deceased was the breadwinner of the family. To recover from these losses, wrongful death lawyers can guide you in your fight for a just compensation for what you had to deal with after the death of a loved one.