Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Facts you should know about Lemon Laws

Essentially, a lemon is a merchandise that, upon its sale, turns out that it doesn’t meet the conventional expectations for it, or that it possibly has defects or problems that have become apparent only after purchase. This definition is commonly used in auto sales, and because of the actions of some sellers, has become a prominent source of lawsuits in the automotive industry.

What is a lemon?

According to most state laws, for your purchased vehicle to be a “lemon”, it must fall under two qualifications. First, it should have a substantial defect that occurred within a particular time period after you’ve bought and started using it, and that it cannot be fixed even after a reasonable number of attempts at repairs.

What is a substantial defect?

For the car trouble to be deemed substantial, initially, the damage has to be covered by the warranty. It should also severely decrease or impair the car’s value, safety or function. You should ask your attorney for a more comprehensive definition of what constitutes “substantial”, as it is often a case-to-case basis.

What is reasonable repair attempt?

When it comes to serious or severe safety defects, one failed repair attempt can already be considered reasonable enough to fall under lemon law provisions. Less serious safety problems should have been repaired three or four times, to no avail of course. 

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