Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Filing a Wrongful Death Case in California
There is nothing worse than losing someone you love and care about, but the loss of your loved one may occur because of the actions or inaction of someone else. California allows others to file wrongful death cases that occurred because of the actions or negligence of another person. Though you can file up to two years after that death, you may want more information about how this process works.
California Dog Bite Laws and Personal Injury Cases
Even the tamest and sweetest of dogs can turn defensive at the
drop of a hat. If that animal views itself or its master as being in danger, it
may react in a dangerous way. Victims of dog bites may receive some
compensation under California law, but the law in the state offers some
protection for the animal's owner too.
Did You Suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury in an Accident?
Even the most prepared of individuals can find themselves suffering from a traumatic brain injury after living through an accident. Smacking your head during a slip and fall in your favorite store or hitting your head on the steering wheel during a car accident can lead to TBI. You must understand the laws in your state and what compensation you can get after an injury of this type.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Compensation After a Truck Accident
In just a split second, your entire life has been changed because of the reckless actions of another driver. Facing the prospect of large medical bills and an inability to go back to work, you may wonder how you will get by financially. In most cases, the driver who caused the crash will be responsible for making you whole again.
Who is Held Liable in a Drunk Driving Accident?
Wrongful death is generally defined as any death that occurs due to another's negligence or wrongful act. The family or other survivors could theoretically file suit against a drunk driver responsible for the death of their loved one. This type of suit is a separate matter from any criminal charges, and family members may initiate one of these suits even with a criminal case pending.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Why Hire a Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney?
Many people who have been injured find it difficult to admit
they may need the services of a personal injury attorney. Anyone in the Los
Angeles area who is dealing with an insurance company that doesn't want to pay
their claims should hire a personal injury lawyer to represent them.
Defending A Personal Injury Lawsuit
Personal injury lawsuits are a result of negligence on the part of one
or more parties. This is the reason why a lawyer would have to make sure that
he or she established exactly who the at-fault party is. Aside from this,
however, the lawyer would also have to consider if the plaintiff has a shared
responsibility in the injury.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Brain Injury Compensation: What You Should Know
No two brain injury have the same result. Consequently, no two compensations
for brain injury are also the same, making claims for brain injury compensation
claims challenging. To make things more complicated, there are a number of
brain injury signs and symptoms that show up only after a few months.
Medical Malpractice in The State of California
When it comes to medical malpractice, California does not seem to be so
sunshine-y, after all. This is because California has been tagged as one of the
states, together with New York and Pennsylvania, with the highest medical
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Dealing With A Construction Accident
Some of the most common injuries that a construction accident attorney
has to deal with would include slip-and-fall accidents, injuries brought about
by heavy machineries, electrocution, injuries caused by falling debris, and
injuries caused by improper use of power tools. Keep in mind that construction
accident injuries do not only involved those workers on-site, as even passersby
who get hit by a stone or by any of the equipment can also file a case for
construction accident.
The Damages Your Attorney Can File A Claim For
Accidents can happen
at any time but that does not mean that you should be caught with your pants down.
To make sure that you can easily give your attorney what he needs to file for a
successful claim, you must arm yourself with the right information.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Negligent Supervision and the Death of an Elderly Loved One
When a family decides to place an elderly loved one in a long-term care facility in Los Angeles and that person dies due to negligent supervision, then the family may have cause for filing a wrongful death claim. A wrongful death attorney may be able to identify whether or not evidence exists that suggests this type of negligence.
Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a condition caused by
some type of external shock to the head. The shock can come in the form of a
severe jolt to the skull or from something actually penetrating it from the
outside. The most common causes of TBI are falls, traffic crashes and criminal
acts, including gun attacks.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Understanding the Criteria for a Personal Injury Lawsuit
One of the biggest fields that personal injury lawyers deal
with is medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is a term that describes when
a doctor or some medical professional engages in behavior that harms their
patients. It could be an action on the part of the medical professional or an
omission, or failure to act. In both instances, the medical professional would
be guilty of medical negligence.
Don't Let the Sting of a Wrongful Death Linger
Any death is tragic, but a wrongful death can be particularly painful to the friends and family that are left behind. If someone that you know and love has been involved in a wrongful death and there is a negligent party that needs to be brought to justice, then you need to get in touch with a wrongful death lawyer to formulate a strategy that will attempt to bring some justice and closure to a tragic situation.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Town Partners With Uber To Stop Drunk Driving
Los Angeles residents are probably familiar with ride service programs like Uber and Lyft that allow individuals to request a vehicle by a phone app, but you may not have heard about the Oct. 2015 partnership Uber made with a small New Jersey town to curb drunk driving. The town is the first municipality in the U.S. to make an agreement like this but may not be the last one.
Defective Vehicle: Who Is To Blame?
If you are involved in a traffic accident that resulted from a defect in your vehicle, you could be entitled to recuperate your costs from the parties involved in manufacturing the vehicle. It is important that you understand how the process works when filing a personal injury claim that is based on a defective product. This article will discuss the different types of claims you can make, and who could be held responsible.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
What Is Attorney-Client Privilege?
If you have been charged with a crime, the first
thing that you are told is that you have the right to remain silent. However,
when you are with your attorney, you have the right to say whatever you want
while your attorney must remain silent. This is known as attorney-client
privilege, and your attorney may not tell anyone anything that you have said to
him or her.
Seeking Legal Assistance for the Victims of Brain Injuries
This account describes the role of the brain injury lawyer.
Few injuries can be as serious or have the same long-term implications as those affecting the brain. The victims of such injuries will almost certainly require financial compensation, but they will also need proper legal representation to assure their fair treatment under the law. Providing this type of assistance is the role of the brain injury lawyer.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Recourse When Buying a Defective Product
When you purchase a product, you have the right to expect it to work as advertised. If a product is defective, it may cause severe injury or even death when you use it. It could also cause severe injury or death to children or pets who may accidentally turn it on or get a body part caught in a motorized component.
Proving Negligence In A Construction Accident
people mistakenly believe that since a construction site is inherently
dangerous, construction supervisors can't be held liable for injuries that the
workers may sustain.
However, this isn't necessarily the case. If an accident occurs as the result of the negligence of a construction company, the workers may be entitled to compensation for any injuries.
In order to prove negligence, a plaintiff would need to address four different factors: duty of care, breach, causation, and injury. All four of these factors must be present in order to prove negligence.
However, this isn't necessarily the case. If an accident occurs as the result of the negligence of a construction company, the workers may be entitled to compensation for any injuries.
In order to prove negligence, a plaintiff would need to address four different factors: duty of care, breach, causation, and injury. All four of these factors must be present in order to prove negligence.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Construction Accident Attorney Protects Night-Shift Workers’ Rights

Construction work is a risky job. One wrong step and the worker could find himself in a serious—even fatal—accident. The risks of construction work are even more amplified when workers have to work at night when lighting and visibility are poor, among other negative elements. Risk Factors There are many factors that add to the risks of working at night, one of which is poor lighting. Workers would have to rely on artificial light in order to see properly. A construction site at night must be well lit to provide visibility, but the lights should not be too bright lest they create glare that could hamper the workers’ vision, as well as that of any driver in the area. Emergency exits, and caution warnings must also be well lit so that workers would know where to go in case of an emergency.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Truck Accident Lawyer: The Compensation Types You May Be Entitled To

A truck accident is often more alarming than a regular car collision, solely due to the size and power that a truck possesses. In an accident involving a truck and a car, the car driver and passengers would, in all likelihood, suffer more injuries and property damage than the truck driver, who often gets away with only a few scratches. If you are involved in an accident with a truck, you may need extensive medical care that could cost a lot. This is why it is important to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. The operation of trucks are highly regulated, and any violation by the driver or the trucking company could put them at fault for an accident.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Wrongful Death Attorney in Los Angeles: Basics of a Suit in California

A wrongful death claim is similar to a personal injury claim in that both involve another person’s or party’s negligence or lack of care. Both are civil lawsuits and are thus settled in monetary terms, without jail time or similar penalties. The laws covering wrongful death vary for each state. Wrongful Death Claim in California In California, a wrongful death claim is filed when a person is killed due to the negligence or intentional act of another party or entity. As a civil case, a survivor or representative of the deceased’s estate has the right to seek monetary compensation from the liable party. While a wrongful death incident may also bear criminal elements, criminal charges are filed separately by police investigators or state prosecutors, and not by private entities. The victim’s survivors, with the help of a wrongful death attorney may file for a wrongful death suit even with ongoing criminal proceedings.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Wrongful Death Attorney in Los Angeles: Basics of Wrongful Death Claim

The fatal helicopter crash that killed the pilot, and two cast and crew members of a Discovery Channel reality show, had recently been settled two years after the incident. As reported by the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles court had approved a settlement between the claimants and Discovery. The lawsuit was filed by the family of Michael Donatelli, an Iraq war veteran who was one of the victims in the deadly accident, which occurred while filming a military show for the Discovery Channel called, “Lone Operator.” The helicopter hit a slope while flying closely to the ground. The producers of the show, including Discovery, were accused of negligence and not taking enough precautions. The plaintiff cited the hiring of the pilot whose license had been suspended twice in the past. Moreover, records show that the Federal Aviation Administration didn’t give the pilot permission to fly in the hours when the accident happened.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Different Causes of Brain Injury and How a Brain Injury Lawyer Helps

With the brain’s role in the human body, it’s not surprising that brain injuries have substantial repercussions to a person. Matters related to brain injury are, thus, taken seriously. Educational institutions, like the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and scientific bodies give brain injury, particularly traumatic brain injury, a significant deal of research attention in order to develop treatments. Legal Matters Just like in the medical and educational realm, brain injury is also taken seriously by the legal field. When the injury is due to the negligence, recklessness, or any fault of another person or entity, affected individuals can file a lawsuit to gain compensation for the treatment costs and damages. NOLO, a legal resource website, highlights the importance of finding expert legal help in such cases. An injured person or his loved ones should consult first with a brain injury lawyer before filing any lawsuit.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Seeking Compensation after a Wrongful Death
with the death of a loved one is extremely painful. It is even more challenging
when that death is caused as the result of someone’s negligence. Negligence can
include slip and fall accidents, work-related accidents, automobile crashes, or
murder. A wrongful death attorney can seek damages from the liable individual
whether or not criminal charges are filed.
Where to Turn After TBI
traumatic brain injury (TBI) changes your life in an instant and the challenges
you face now may require a lot of effort to overcome. It is important to
remember during this difficult time that you're not alone. There are resources
available to you and your loved ones. Here are some of the people you should
reach out to after a TBI. You can also find resources here.
Why People Hire Personal Injury Attorneys
When some Los Angeles residents are
injured because of the negligence of others, their first thought is to settle
their injury case on their own by dealing with the insurance agency of the party
at fault. However, most individuals quickly realize that because of the
complications of the claim, or because the insurance company refuses to make a
reasonable offer, they need to seek the help of a personal injury attorney.
Who Can Cause a Wrongful Death
it comes to a wrongful death suit, almost anyone can be a defendant. Wrongful
death is a civil matter involving any death that occurred due to another
person's negligence. This is different from murder, which is a criminal charge
filed when an action was intended to cause death. Here are just a few of the
people who can be responsible for a wrongful death.
Why Get Good Representation for a Dog Bite Claim
Even though dogs make great pets, they can also attack for unwarranted
reasons. If you are the victim of a dog bite in Los Angeles, you may be
entitled to compensation for your damages. Even though it is your right to file
a personal injury claim in regards to a dog bite, that doesn’t mean that
insurance companies will approve your claim without putting up a fight.
On Traumatic Brain Injury and How a Brain Injury Attorney Can Help

As the second largest city in the United States and the most populous city in California, Los Angeles can be a really busy city. With a lot of people leading busy lifestyles, things could get quite chaotic and accidents could happen. In traffic accidents within the state alone, the city leads at around 100 accident reports as of this writing, with three cities tied for the second at only eight reports each, according to the Accident Data Center. These accidents lead to hundreds of fatalities and thousands of injuries. One of the injuries that may result from these accidents is traumatic brain injury (TBI), which happens when an external force hits a person’s head. Despite being a common injury, TBI can be missed initially as the immediate focus of the medical team is saving the person’s life.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
For Vaccine Injuries, Seek Help from a Trusted Personal Injury Lawyer

Raul DeJesus and Debbie Russo needed powerful medications and surgery to fix the damage on their shoulders, which they claim were caused by flu shots. Medical experts say that, while these injuries are rare, they do happen, especially when the shot is given too high in the arm. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program In the 1980’s, a string of lawsuits were filed over injuries from childhood vaccines, deterring many companies from developing new vaccines that could clearly benefit society. In response to the situation, Congress established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) with the aim of providing an efficient forum for people injured by certain vaccines, while ensuring an adequate supply of vaccines with stable costs.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Personal Injury Attorneys: Greater Chances in Tobacco Litigations

Last year, a Los Angeles court awarded $27 million to Judith Berger, who filed a personal injury lawsuit against tobacco company Philip Morris USA, Inc. Berger, who started smoking at the age of 14, smoked filter cigarettes, then light cigarettes, which were marketed by the company as safer. The $27 million awarded to Berger included over $20 million in punitive damages. The jury was shown evidence that tobacco companies deliberately targeted teenagers despite having full knowledge of the addictive properties of tobacco. The jury was also shown proof that teenagers were more prone to getting strongly addicted to smoking.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Injury Lawyer: Quick Guide to Laws and Statutory Rules in Los Angeles

If you got injured in the course of your employment in California, it would be useful to have a reasonable understanding of the laws governing accidents and the process of filing your personal injury claims. These laws would be applicable whether you agree to an out-of-court settlement or choose to pursue a lawsuit. Keep in mind these important guidelines: Filing Deadlines for Injury Lawsuits All states have time limits for filing personal injury lawsuits at the court. This is known as the statute of limitations and the deadlines are dependent on the type of case. The statute of limitations for filing an injury lawsuit in a Los Angeles civil court is set at two years. Usually, this filing deadline begins from the date of injury, so be sure to consult your lawyer within this period or the courts will most likely refuse to hear your case, and your right to compensation will be lost.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
SSD Benefits in Los Angeles: How an Attorney Can Help File Claims

The Social Security Disability program was devised as a means to help the disabled with some forms of financial assistance, but sometimes, the process of obtaining said respite could turn out to be a rather tedious experience. This is due in part to the filing procedures involved as well as the lengthy waiting period. Usually, this process can get quite frustrating if the application is not approved the first time, which could lead to prolonged appeal proceedings. If you are a Los Angeles, CA resident, consulting a Social Security Disability attorney prior to filing could afford you a couple of benefits and significantly increase the likelihood of having your claim approved at the initial stage.
Monday, October 5, 2015
California Lemon Law Could Cover Your Motorcycle
laws in Los Angeles not only apply to motor vehicles; these laws also apply to
motorcycle purchases. There are laws that protect you from being sold a
motorcycle that does not work, or will break down soon after being
The Negative Impact of a Traumatic Brain Injury
When an injury causes your normal brain function to disrupt, this could lead to a variety of issues, including a negative impact on your cognitive abilities. You may be entitled to benefits and compensation if those injuries prevent you from performing your normal daily routine, including working, or taking care of your personal affairs and commitments.
The Various Types of Construction Site Accidents
are a variety of construction accidents that could lead to serious injuries;
some accidents could lead to death. Personal injury law covers workers,
visitors, and a passerby that are injured due to a construction site accident.
Some of the construction site accidents are more common than others; however,
an experienced Los Angeles attorney will help you fight for your rights,
regardless of the type of accident you have suffered from at a construction
Construction Site Accidents in Los Angeles
If you work around construction
sites in the Los Angeles area often, chances are you have heard of or even
experienced a construction site accident. There are numerous hazards that can
result in injuries ranging from the minor cuts and bruises to more serious
accidents resulting in loss of limb or life. The truth is, these types of
accidents are actually very common in California. In almost any case involving
a construction accident, speaking with a construction accident attorney is
Deciding Whether or Not to Hire a DUI Attorney
Many people ask if they really need
to hire an attorney to defend them if they
are pulled over for a DUI. Some argue that they can defend themselves just as
well as an attorney could defend them. The truth is that hiring an experienced
DUI attorney has many benefits. DUI attorneys have an in-depth knowledge of how
the court systems work, when to make a plea bargain, and how to file the proper
documentation in court. This information and experience is something that most
people do not have at their disposal.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Wrongful Death Cases: A Closer Look at Damages
The type of compensation to be awarded in a wrongful death case will vary based on the particulars of the case. Many states set a limit to the amount of compensation plaintiffs can obtain. Families of a victim of wrongful death may, however, be entitled to a number of different types of compensation, the amount of which can be determined by a wrongful death attorney in Los Angeles.
Pecuniary Compensation
Pecuniary compensation, also referred to as economic compensation, accounts for the lost income the deceased would have brought in if they had survived. The court will take the earnings, benefits, and inheritance of the deceased into mind. Additional expenses, such as medical and funeral costs, will also be taken into account.
Pecuniary Compensation
Pecuniary compensation, also referred to as economic compensation, accounts for the lost income the deceased would have brought in if they had survived. The court will take the earnings, benefits, and inheritance of the deceased into mind. Additional expenses, such as medical and funeral costs, will also be taken into account.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics in the U.S.
The Centers for Disease Control in the United States estimates that approximately 150,000,000 people suffer from traumatic brain injuries every single year. Many of these injuries take place in the Los Angeles area. Of the brain injuries that occur across the United States, more than 50,000 result in fatality and 85,000 leave individuals with long-term disabilities. It is estimated that in the United States, more than 5.3 million people currently have long-term disabilities that came as a result of traumatic brain injuries.
The top three reasons for traumatic brain injuries are automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents, and incidents involving firearms. Most traumatic brain injuries resulting from firearm accidents lead to the death of the victim. Traumatic brain injuries affect young adults and the elderly more than any other group.
The top three reasons for traumatic brain injuries are automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents, and incidents involving firearms. Most traumatic brain injuries resulting from firearm accidents lead to the death of the victim. Traumatic brain injuries affect young adults and the elderly more than any other group.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Situations Where a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help
Personal injuries can have a huge effect on your personal and financial life. Those who experience an injury at the fault of another need to contact a personal injury lawyer immediately. These lawyers work to get compensation for their clients to cover costs associated with the incident, including medical costs and loss of income. Here are a few common instances in which you would need to contact such a lawyer:
Automobile Accidents
Automobile Accidents
Vehicle accidents are one of the most common ways people get injured. Depending on the details of the accident, injuries can range from minor issues to debilitating ones, and even death. While insurance companies will usually provide compensation, the amount may not be enough to cover all of a victim's expenses.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Wrongful Death Claims: Things to Prove in Court
Have you lost a loved one and now find yourself wondering about how to file a wrongful death suit? Here are the things that the courts will require you to prove for your case to succeed.
There was a duty of care
Duty of care is a term used to refer to a specific standard of care required during the operation of equipment or the execution of a task. In other words, you’ll have to show that the other individual had a responsibility to act carefully and responsibly. As an example, an equipment operator is required to practice safe operating techniques. That’s a duty of care required of the operator.
There was a duty of care
Duty of care is a term used to refer to a specific standard of care required during the operation of equipment or the execution of a task. In other words, you’ll have to show that the other individual had a responsibility to act carefully and responsibly. As an example, an equipment operator is required to practice safe operating techniques. That’s a duty of care required of the operator.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Personal Injury: Types of Damages
If you suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to multiple types of compensation, also known as damages. Your personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles can seek compensation for a number of different things. Generally, three types of damages are awarded in personal injury cases.
Compensatory Damages Related to Income
Special compensatory damages deal with monetary expenses. Also referred to as pecuniary damages, compensation can be granted for a loss of income and any expense incurred from the injury. This includes lost earnings, medical costs, and new household expenses. While there is usually a limit to the number of damages a victim can seek, there is no limit to special compensatory damages.
Compensatory Damages Related to Income
Special compensatory damages deal with monetary expenses. Also referred to as pecuniary damages, compensation can be granted for a loss of income and any expense incurred from the injury. This includes lost earnings, medical costs, and new household expenses. While there is usually a limit to the number of damages a victim can seek, there is no limit to special compensatory damages.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
How Personal Injury Law Addresses Negligence
The courts in Los Angeles recognize the fact that an individual who is negligent has a level of financial responsibility to cover the injuries their negligence caused. For example, if a person gets behind the wheel of an automobile while they are intoxicated and as a result of their negligent behavior causes property damage, injury, or death, in addition to the criminal charges they may face, they could be brought to civil court and sued for negligence.
Another example would be a homeowner who has a dog that has a history of biting other people, but is allowed to roam free. In both of the aforementioned examples, the negligent party realized that their behavior posed a risk and yet ignored that risk and as a result people were injured.
Another example would be a homeowner who has a dog that has a history of biting other people, but is allowed to roam free. In both of the aforementioned examples, the negligent party realized that their behavior posed a risk and yet ignored that risk and as a result people were injured.
Monday, September 14, 2015
How Long Do Symptoms of Brain Injuries Last?
Commonly caused by accidents that involve a strong impact, a brain injury can have lifelong effects. Initially, you may be in a coma or suffer bleeding in the brain, which needs to be addressed immediately to minimize possible brain damage. However, once any immediate symptoms are addressed and treated as best as possible, you still have a long way to go in terms of your recovery.
Depending on which part or parts of the brain are impacted, you may notice that you suffer from mood swings, have trouble walking or talking, and have memory issues. In some cases, you may notice changes in your personality, or that you take an interest in activities that you didn't enjoy prior to the injury.
Depending on which part or parts of the brain are impacted, you may notice that you suffer from mood swings, have trouble walking or talking, and have memory issues. In some cases, you may notice changes in your personality, or that you take an interest in activities that you didn't enjoy prior to the injury.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Penalties for a DUI Conviction in Los Angeles
If convicted, the consequences of a DUI conviction in Los Angeles can be severe, even for first-time offenders. Even without any aggravating factors, these penalties may include three to five years of summary probation and enrollment in a three-month AB541 drug and alcohol program. Some judges may require the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) and/or a $390 fine.
Second-time offenders are subject to increased penalty assessments on their initial fines, enrollment in a DUI school of either 18 or 30 months in length, and suspension of their driving privileges. In some instances, these privileges may be raised to restricted status after 90 days but are subject to the installation of an IID and a chemical test. Second-time offenses carry a 96-hour minimum jail sentence.
Second-time offenders are subject to increased penalty assessments on their initial fines, enrollment in a DUI school of either 18 or 30 months in length, and suspension of their driving privileges. In some instances, these privileges may be raised to restricted status after 90 days but are subject to the installation of an IID and a chemical test. Second-time offenses carry a 96-hour minimum jail sentence.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
A Construction Accident Lawyer Helps Injured Workers Get Compensation

Construction sites are among the most dangerous places to work in America. Annually, thousands of individuals are injured or killed as a result of construction accident injuries. It is estimated that one in every five workplace fatalities in the U.S. happens on-site. A good portion of these accidents happen because the safety engineers and other individuals who have the responsibility to create safety programs either acted negligently or were simply not there. Regardless of the type of injury a construction worker sustains as the result of another person’s negligence, they are entitled to some form of compensation. A construction accident attorney in Los Angeles focuses on pursuing these claims and helping injured construction workers receive the financial compensation they deserve for the injuries they sustained.
How Strict Liability Affects Personal Injury Cases
When most people think about personal injury law, they think about two groups of people. There are people who are financially liable because their negligence led to someone being injured. On the other side of the coin, there are people who intentionally injured a person through assault, battery, theft or some other criminal activity. They, too, may be found financially liable for the injuries they caused.
In personal injury cases related to construction sites, however, there is a third group of people who did everything possible to avoid causing harm and yet are still held liable for another person’s injury. The doctrine behind this type of case is referred to as strict liability. An example of strict liability is if a person was injured while he was doing a dangerous activity. This is true even if every precaution was taken to make the dangerous activity as safe as possible.
In personal injury cases related to construction sites, however, there is a third group of people who did everything possible to avoid causing harm and yet are still held liable for another person’s injury. The doctrine behind this type of case is referred to as strict liability. An example of strict liability is if a person was injured while he was doing a dangerous activity. This is true even if every precaution was taken to make the dangerous activity as safe as possible.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Truck Accident Attorney Gives Tips on Steps to take after the Incident

Coming face-to-face with a truck accident in a Los Angeles expressway or elsewhere is sure to be an overwhelmingly, nerve-racking experience. In the moments after the accident, one of the first questions a victim will ask themselves is, what should I do? If you or your companion is injured on the scene, the first thing you need to do is focus on getting medical attention. The next step is to gather information that will protect you and help a lawyer successfully litigate any claim against the trucking company. The sooner you are able to contact a truck accident lawyer, the easier it will be for you to gather documents and evidence about the accident before they are either lost, destroyed, or hard to collect.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Know When You Should Hire a Wrongful Death Attorney in Los Angeles

If a loved one is killed through no fault of their own, it may be possible to collect compensation from the party responsible. A wrongful death lawyer will ensure that paperwork is filed on time, help with settlement talks outside of court, or assist those who wish to pursue legal action in court. When would it be worthwhile to hire such a lawyer? Nursing Home Neglect that Leads to Serious Injury or Death Statistics show that at least 30 percent of nursing homes in the United States receive complaints of abuse per year. Furthermore, it is believed that as many as 90 percent of nursing home patients don't get the care they need. Such negligence by nursing home staff may lead to injuries that can lead to death if overlooked.
Circumstances Where a Plea Deal May Be Negotiated
When an individual is charged with a crime, it is only the first step in the legal process. A defendant has the right to a trial in front of a jury of his or her peers in which a prosecutor must prove that a crime was committed. There are times, however, when it may be worthwhile to settle the case before there is a need for a trial.
In some cases, the cost of going to trial may be difficult to justify based on the offense committed. For instance, if someone was accused of possessing a small amount of marijuana, it may be easier to send that person to rehab or put that person on probation as opposed to trying for a full conviction. Therefore, the prosecutor may agree to reduce the charge and the penalties in exchange for a guilty plea.
In some cases, the cost of going to trial may be difficult to justify based on the offense committed. For instance, if someone was accused of possessing a small amount of marijuana, it may be easier to send that person to rehab or put that person on probation as opposed to trying for a full conviction. Therefore, the prosecutor may agree to reduce the charge and the penalties in exchange for a guilty plea.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Wrongful Death Attorney: Proving Negligence that Led to Victim’s Death

Very few things can be as difficult as seeking legal and financial compensation after the wrongful death of a loved one. A wrongful death attorney, such as one from the D & Z Law Group, LLP in Los Angeles, will work with their client to prove that the responsible party had the duty to conduct themselves in a particular manner, but did not act according to this responsibility. As a result of this negligence, they injured the victim, resulting in the victim’s death. In wrongful death cases, time is of the essence. It is important for surviving family members to discuss the situation with an attorney as soon as possible so that they can know what their legal rights are.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Let a Brain Injury Lawyer Help You Get the Compensation You Deserve

It’s a sad fact that many motorists figure in accidents along the busy streets of Los Angeles. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, consider hiring a brain injury lawyer in seeking claims. In many cases, car accident victims don't realize the extent of their injuries until some time after the accident. It often turns out that the injuries are more debilitating than originally thought. How Brain Injuries Affect Daily Life What you may not immediately know is that the accident caused you brain injury that will require additional medical care, make daily life difficult, or interfere with your ability to work. The effects of a brain injury and its impact on daily life are not always immediately obvious. Gradually, you could find that some of your abilities have been impaired, and the disruptions this impairment can cause you may have a severe impact on your life.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Clinical Negligence: Brain Injury Attorneys Can Help with Your Case

The consequences of brain injuries can range from impairments that cause minor and temporary problems to disabilities that can permanently change a person’s life for the worse. Brain injuries could lead to memory loss, decreased concentration, physical incapacity, as well as cognitive challenges. Brain injuries can be due to accidents that result from another’s negligence, and they can also be caused by clinical negligence. When a brain injury is caused by negligence on the part of someone else, the injured individual may be due financial compensation. The best way to determine if you or your loved one rightfully deserve to be compensated for your losses is to speak to a Los Angeles brain injury attorney from an established firm such as D & Z Law Group, LLP.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Personal Injury Lawyer: Protecting Your Rights after a Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents can be frustrating simply because they can happen at any time and to anyone. Such unfortunate incidents don’t just happen when the weather is bad outside or when there is an accumulation of ice on the road or pavement. The truth of the matter is that most people will slip and fall at some point in their life—but some instances can lead to dire consequences, such as serious injury, and in most cases, they will not be at fault. Owners of restaurants, commercial buildings, homes, and parking lots are required by law to keep walkways free of debris and maintain a level of safety for individuals who travel down them. This concept is referred to by the law as premise liability.
Monday, August 31, 2015
‘Drowned’ in Liabilities
Private pools are meant to provide fun, comfort, and convenience.
Unfortunately, they have also been the scene of accidental drownings,
many of which involve children. Dealing with the death of your own child
can be devastating and it is your right to pursue justice especially if
the accident occurred in someone else’s private residence. A Los
Angeles wrongful death attorney can help you hold them accountable for
the untimely death of your child.
How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Assist Clients When Filing a Claim

After an accident, many Los Angeles residents wonder whether they should hire an attorney. A personal injury attorney can help accident victims sort through the emotional turmoil and stress of an automobile accident. Attorneys help their clients get compensation for injuries and damages to the vehicle. They represent clients in personal injury court battles. Most importantly, they give clients advice on how to deal with insurance companies. When a person is injured in an automobile accident, his first priority is getting medical care. The longer a person waits to get treated after an automobile accident, the harder it is to prove that the injuries he sustained came from the car accident. If you were not at fault for the accident, the other driver’s liability insurance will cover your medical bills. If the driver who hit you was uninsured, the underinsured motorist part of your policy should cover you.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Explaining the Different Defenses a DUI Lawyer Can Use in Court

Annually, thousands of individuals are pulled over and arrested for driving while under the influence in the United States. Los Angeles is no exception to this rule. California is known for being a state that has very harsh DUI laws and punishments. A person may find himself losing his license, paying stiff fines, and spending some time in jail. There are different strategies, however, that a lawyer in Los Angeles specializing in DUIs can use to mount a defense. What Prosecutors Are Looking For In order to understand the defense that a DUI attorney will make in his client's behalf, it is first important to understand what the prosecutor is looking for when trying a case. Prosecutors are looking to find evidence that a person was driving drunk, that he was not able to control his vehicle or was driving it in an erratic way.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Understanding When an Officer Must Read Subjects Their Miranda Rights

Television programs that deal with law enforcement always have that one scene where police officers read Miranda rights to someone who is being arrested. It usually goes something like, ""You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do may be used against you in the court of law…"" Then they will tell the arrested individual that they have the right to seek an attorney—and if they cannot afford one, then one will be given them by the government. Television shows make people think that police officers always must read Miranda rights to a person. However, this is not exactly the case. There are some occasions when police officers are not required to do this.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Shattering Common TBI Myths
Some people think that traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
happen when the person is knocked out and wake up with no memory at all
about what happened. While this is true in some cases, TBI can manifest
in other ways. Here are some common misconceptions about TBI:
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Going on a ‘Right‘ Claims Approach
Random incidents can put anyone in danger, particularly if someone
else has been negligent or has not taken the right precaution to avoid
harm to anyone. While many accidents only lead to minor injuries, some
result in serious and even fatal ones. In cases like those discussed
below, the victims or their families have the right to seek compensation
from the negligent party.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Negotiating the Tough Cases
No two wrongful death cases have the same sets of circumstances. One
case in Los Angeles stemming back from 2011, for example, only had a
recent compensation payout due to the complicated facts of the case.
These facts include fatal injuries on a boy caused by his mother’s
boyfriend, and negligent processing by social workers who were assigned
to investigate the mother’s complaints of child abuse before the boy’s
Monday, August 17, 2015
Dealing with Hits and Run
A hit-and-run is one of the most unsettling incidents that could
happen to anyone, as everything can happen in the space of a few
seconds. Do you know that at least 20,000 hit-and-runs occur in LA every
year, with sometimes fatal outcomes? If you or someone you know have
been injured in a hit-and-run incident, get the help of personal injury lawyers to find out what you need to do.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Claiming Wrongful Death: How a Lawyer Can Help
Bad things can happen to people. Sometimes, no one is at fault.
However, sometimes, someone can be blamed for a particular misfortune.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Proving Your Brain Injury Claims with Some Help
When filing a brain injury claim, you’ll need solid undeniable proof
of your injury, its effects, and who or what caused it. An experienced
brain injury lawyer can help round up the needed evidence. Here are some
examples of what can help your case.
Friday, August 7, 2015
What You Can Do Legally About a Lemon Car
Not all car purchasers end up happy. Sometimes, they buy a “lemon.” Under the California lemon law,
a vehicle is considered a lemon when substantial defects on the car
have occurred within a given period, and these defects haven’t been
satisfactorily resolved even after a number of attempts to remedy them.
The state’s lemon law states that these defects should cause the car to
be inoperable for 30 days, consecutively or otherwise.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
A Construction Accident? Consult an Attorney!
There are a lot of things that can go wrong at a building site.
Construction workers may not realize it, but in their line of work, they
place their lives on the line every single day.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Construction Accident Attorney: Scaffolding Hazards for the Workers

Work in construction is among the most dangerous professions anywhere in the world. There are many threats that exist in a single construction site and this is why sustaining injuries in the line of work is common. Many of these accidents occur on scaffoldings that, according to the OSHA, are used frequently by about 65 percent of all construction employees. A construction accident attorney in Los Angeles or anywhere else should provide legal aid to injured or deceased workers and their families. In the year 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ determined that 54 fatalities occurred in that single year from scaffolds. To warn against the hazards of scaffolding, here are some common accidents that workers need to watch out for.
Avoid Business Insurance Mistakes with a Lawyer’s Help
Businesses can have problems blindside them. Insurance can help
protect you from the unexpected, but there’s always the possibility of
claim denial. To ensure your insurance company delivers, avoid
committing any of these mistakes.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
You Need a Truck Accident Lawyer to Help You Settle Accident Claims

Settling is always better than gritting your teeth through a lengthy and costly trial, or so they say. In many accidents, too many people in Los Angeles or anywhere else in the U.S. choose to handle their own cases, and consequently make mistakes when they settle with the other party. They think that since they’re settling anyway, they don’t need help from lawyers. However, when it comes to trucking accident claims, it is always recommended to hire a trucking accident lawyer especially if you have been injured. Here are some mistakes a lawyer can help you avoid during a settlement. Settling Way Too Soon The other party might be in a hurry to settle the whole matter especially if they are involved with a large company that wants to avoid a negative public backlash.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wrongful Death Lawyers Help Grieving Families Get Just Compensation

Two years after the nation’s deadliest wildfires that killed 19 firefighters, their bereaved families were finally compensated as much as $600,000 each by the Arizona State Forestry Division, the party responsible for the firefighters. The elite firefighting crew, named the Granite Mountain Hotshots, died two days after the wildfire began on June 28, 2013, when they found themselves trapped at the bottom of a canyon. This settlement may raise the question how courts, particularly courts in California, determine the damages to be awarded to the family of a deceased person. Not only will a family suffer from emotional turmoil after the death of a loved one, but this can also cause financial hardships, especially if the deceased was the breadwinner of the family. To recover from these losses, wrongful death lawyers can guide you in your fight for a just compensation for what you had to deal with after the death of a loved one.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Wrongful Death Lawyers List the Elements of a Wrongful Death Claim

Back in January, a man named Terry Carter was run over by a pickup truck allegedly driven by Marion “Suge” Knight during the filming of an upcoming biopic about the gangster rap group NWA, causing his death. It was only last June when his widow, Lilian, filed a wrongful death claim in a Los Angeles court, where she not only filed claims against Knight, but also against Universal Studios (the studio responsible for the forthcoming film) and even Dr. Dre and Ice Cube, who were original members of NWA. With wrongful death claims like these, one might wonder how courts decide on a lawsuit and how they can be successful in this case. Generally, courts in California will decide on a wrongful death lawsuit if the elements have been established. Experienced wrongful death lawyers should be able to identify what these elements are to determine if a case can indeed be built upon them.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Brain Injury Lawyer Clarifies Common Brain Injury Misconceptions

Brain injury is a widely discussed topic especially in the area of sports, however it seems that many people still hold misconceptions about the cause and extent of brain injury damages. Here are some wrong notions about brain injuries that must be corrected: Concussions only happen when you lose your consciousness – While loss of consciousness is a very alarming sign, not all concussions result to fainting. It is estimated that only 10% of concussions result to fainting, so you can never be too sure. A concussion results from a huge force directed at the head – A strong force or hit to the head can result to concussion, but hits to other parts of the body that result to a sudden jerk or movement of the head back and forth (whiplash) can also lead to a concussion.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Brain Injury Attorney: Why Playing Sports Can Sometimes Lead to a Case

Everyone has heard of advice like “stay fit and healthy” or “play sports for a longer life”, often from P.E. coaches or the occasional parent. However, some studies have uncovered that staying fit and active does not always equate to health. Yes, exercise is good, but just like everything else, too much of anything is dangerous. A good example of this is Derek Boogard, a professional athlete who died at age 28 and was diagnosed of a brain condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which was a result of experiencing head concussions way too many times.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Negligence Lawsuit: Get Help from a Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer

In legal terms, negligence is defined as the failure of a person or business to behave with the same amount of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under similar circumstances. California, along with other U.S. states, permits the use of money as compensation for any damage or injury you sustain from someone else’s negligence. Once you decide to sue for negligence, there are several concerns that need to be addressed to proceed with the case. Gather evidence The first thing you need to do is to gather proof of negligence. Include videos, photos, statements from witnesses, and other documents that may further your case, such as contracts or independent professional evaluations. It’s a good idea to consult a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer as early as possible, so perhaps you can talk to one while you’re gathering evidence.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help with Hit-and-Run Cases

Special issues can arise in a personal injury claim which can make it very difficult to litigate the case. An example of a special issue is a hit-and-run accident, where the driver who causes the injury flees the accident scene. It may then be difficult for the victim to identify the driver, and with it, recover the damages to which he or she is entitled. A hit-and-run case solved Last June, Los Angeles police arrested a driver who allegedly hit a 33-year old cyclist, and then drove off and left him to die. The 21-year old culprit was arrested thanks to the tip of a citizen who came out and identified the offender. Records say the drive was traveling more than 80 mph at the time of the accident, which occurred at Figueroa Street on the morning of June 26, 2015.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Wrongful Death Attorney First Consultation
The loss of a loved one can impact a family in many ways. While the emotional loss can take months or even years to overcome in some cases, the financial impact of a loved one's death can also be difficult for a family to endure. The deceased family member may have been a major financial contributor to the family and supported a certain quality of life that they have become accustomed to. Plans for the future, such as retirement or sending the kids to college, may be impacted by the loss. In the case of a wrongful death, a personal injury attorney may fight for your rights and seek financial compensation for your loss.
The first step to take with a wrongful death case is to meet with an attorney for an initial consultation. To prepare for the initial consultation, gather together all related documents that may be relevant to the case. This may include a death certificate, a copy of the police report, and an autopsy report or medical records. Any documentation you have regarding the death, and events leading up to it or following it should, be gathered.
A number of questions will also be asked for the lawyer to learn more about your case and to determine the probable options and alternatives you can take. The lawyer may also provide you with more information about the strength of the case, what to expect during the lawsuit, and projected, potential compensation that you may reasonably be awarded.
Resources of a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
Filing a
personal injury claim due to a brain injury can be complex and confusing,
especially if you're unfamiliar with the legal process and don't have access to
all the resources needed to successfully wager your claim, such as:
A lawyer has
more immediate access to documentation concerning your case than you do.
Whereas you'll most likely have to request a copy of an accident report and
hunt down any witnesses who saw the event, a lawyer can more easily obtain the
documentation through his or her computer system that has special access to
court documents. Additionally, lawyers have the personnel to track down any
potential witnesses who could corroborate your account and strengthen your
Medical Experts
In cases where the extent of the brain injury you sustained must be proven, medical experts might be needed to attest to the severity of your injuries. Lawyers have the connections with medical experts in the area who can evaluate your injuries and testify on your behalf if needed.
Negotiation Skills
Of course, one of the most essential resources that a lawyer has is that of strong negotiation skills. Lawyers know how to talk to insurance companies and other concerned parties to work out a favorable deal for their clients, and they can help make the settlement process go much quicker.
In cases where the extent of the brain injury you sustained must be proven, medical experts might be needed to attest to the severity of your injuries. Lawyers have the connections with medical experts in the area who can evaluate your injuries and testify on your behalf if needed.
Negotiation Skills
Of course, one of the most essential resources that a lawyer has is that of strong negotiation skills. Lawyers know how to talk to insurance companies and other concerned parties to work out a favorable deal for their clients, and they can help make the settlement process go much quicker.
All these and
more are some of what the best lawyers bring to the table. Enlist their aid to
secure the best outcome for your case.
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